Windows 10 (Anniversary update or following) users can now run OpenFOAM and OpenQBMM. The steps to follow are simple: Install WSL as explained here: Start Ubuntu for Windows Add the repository for OpenFOAM provided by the OpenFOAM foundation sudo add-apt-repository sudo sh -c “wget -O – | apt-key add -“ Refresh the […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
OpenQBMM 2.0.0 is now available! A list of the major changes follows. A general framework for the solution of evolution equations involving a distribution function was implemented (univariatePDFTransportModel). Turbulent mixing models: a new solver, mixingTransportFoam, is provided to solve turbulent mixing models using velocity fields obtained from RANS flows solvers. The following mixing models are […]
OpenQBMM 2.0.0
OpenQBMM will be presented at the 11th OpenFOAM Workshop on June 28th, 2016, in Guimarães, Portugal.
OpenQBMM at the 11th OpenFOAM Workshop
Our paper titled A conditional quadrature method of moments for turbulent mixing coupled to a population balance equation is going to be presented at ICMF (Firenze, Italy) on Wednesday, May 25th (11:30-12:50).
OpenQBMM work presented at ICMF in Florence
We will present the current features of OpenQBMM at the 1ère journée française des utilisateurs de OpenFOAM, on May 18th, 2016 in Rouen, Normandie, France.
OpenQBMM at the 1ère journée française des utilisateurs de OpenFOAM ...
I am pleased to announce the first stable release of OpenQBMM, which includes the following features: Implementation of the Extended Quadrature Method of Moments for lognormal and gamma kernel density functions. Implementation of univariate population balance solver with kernels for aggregation, breakup and growth, diffusion. pbeFoam – Population balance solver for zero-dimensional problems, mostly used […]
OpenQBMM 1.0.0 released!
We are pleased to announce that we now have a discussion board where questions concerning the project can be asked, and feedback can be provided. We also created an IRC channel for more direct interaction. You can find more details on our support page. Our legal page was updated to add links to policies of […]