OpenQBMM 12.0.0 is now available. This is a stable maintenance release of OpenQBMM. The target version of OpenFOAM to build this release is OpenFOAM-v2306. This release is also available as a git submodule for the OpenFOAM-v2312 repository: see here. To cite this release, please use: To cite OpenQBMM please use:
Yearly Archives: 2023
As part of the consolidation effort of communication media, which started with the move from forums to GitHub discussions, we are closing the OpenQBMM Twitter account starting August 1st, 2023. Our blog has an RSS feed that can be subscribed to without any need of external accounts and provides links to the blog posts and […]
Goodbye Twitter
OpenQBMM 11.0.0 is now available. This is a stable maintenance release of OpenQBMM. The target version of OpenFOAM to build this release is OpenFOAM-v2306. Changes compared to OpenQBMM 10 can be seen in the changelog. This release is also available as a git submodule for the OpenFOAM-v2306 repository: see here. To cite this release, please […]
OpenQBMM 11.0.0 for OpenFOAM v2306
Our forum ( will be closed and removed starting April 1st. Forums will be replaced by GitHub Discussions, which are already available here: and through the Support -> Discussion menu. Registrations on the old forum are now blocked, and the forum will be deleted. This decision came as part of a consolidation process to […]