
We prepared a patch release to group together bug fixes, particularly regarding the case setup and moment initialization of polydisperseBubbleFoam. No changes impacting user input were made. For a detailed list of changes with respect to OpenQBMM 4.0.0, please refer to the list of commits following no b78a799e8f66481f9c84d63733f513ce57602470 In case you experience issues, please open […]

OpenQBMM 5.0.1 for OpenFOAM 7 is now available

We are pleased to release OpenQBMM 5.0.0 for OpenFOAM 7. Notable changes in this release: A new size-velocity quadrature algorithm has been implemented relying on the hyperbolic conditional quadrature method of moments (HyCQMOM). This approach allows the description of particulate flows over a wide range of volume fractions, incorporating the effect of size distribution. The […]

OpenQBMM 5.0.0 for OpenFOAM 7 is now available

We are pleased to release OpenQBMM 4.0.0 for OpenFOAM 6.x. This release includes several new developments and improvements to existing algorithms to improve their robustness. Notably: A new algorithm was implemented in the poly-disperse gas-liquid solver to remove inconsistencies between the transported moments and the two-fluid model used to solve for the mean flow. The […]

OpenQBMM 4.0.0 for OpenFOAM 6.x is now available

We are pleaded to announce the release of OpenQBMM 3.0.0. Major changes are summarized below: Multiphase solver polydisperseBubbleFoam for gas-liquid systems based on the solution of a generalized population balance equation for a joint size-velocity NDF (Contributed by Jeffrey Heylmun). The computational model allows each bubble size to have its own velocity (polycelerity), and relies […]

OpenQBMM 3.0.0 released

OpenQBMM 2.0.0 is now available! A list of the major changes follows. A general framework for the solution of evolution equations involving a distribution function was implemented (univariatePDFTransportModel). Turbulent mixing models: a new solver, mixingTransportFoam, is provided to solve turbulent mixing models using velocity fields obtained from RANS flows solvers. The following mixing models are […]

OpenQBMM 2.0.0

I am pleased to announce the first stable release of OpenQBMM, which includes the following features: Implementation of the Extended Quadrature Method of Moments for lognormal and gamma kernel density functions. Implementation of univariate population balance solver with kernels for aggregation, breakup and growth, diffusion. pbeFoam – Population balance solver for zero-dimensional problems, mostly used […]

OpenQBMM 1.0.0 released!